Summertime has us enjoying time outside at the Lake, on picnics and backyard barbecues. Missouri Life Magazine has loads of ideas of places to go and people to see this summer. It’s a great resource to help your planning, even impromptu trips. And watermelon is just about synonymous for Summer!
Picking the perfect fruit and veg can sometimes be daunting. These 3 easy tips will help you pick out a flavorful melon:
- Look for the creamy yellow field spot. This shows that the melon spent time growing under natures sun and had enough time to develop.
- Look for a brown spot where the vine was attached. If it’s green, it was likely picked too soon.
- A dull, matte sheen on your melon is a good thing. But irregular bumps and sizing may mean the watering was inconsistent.
Enjoy your perfectly picked watermelon in this delicious, thirst quenching Watermelon Tea Slushie.
1 watermelon, seedless, cold
2-4 tbl simple syrup, to taste
1.5 cups Watermelon Oolong tea, brewed strong
Cut hole in top of a standing watermelon like a pumpkin. With immersion blender or mixer, blend inside of watermelon till slushie consistency. Add simple syrup and tea. Stir to combine. Enjoy!
*For an adult version, add a cup of tequila, vodka or gin.